
Huzzah! The entire Wingfeather series is now available on audiobook! The last two books, read by Andrew himself, are finished—recording to editing to mastering to pressing—and are now available for purchase at both Amazon and CBD (links below). We'll be sure to let you know when they hit the Rabbit Room Store, as well. (Kickstarters, check your email! Your files await!)Andrew says, "I hope you enjoy the story on your commute, your summer road trips, or your long walks through the Blackwood." :-)Recording audiobookThe Monster in the Hollows: Available at Amazon and CBDThe Warden and the Wolf King: Available at Amazon and CBD

This week, Madame Sidler will be reading chapters 35-41 of North! Or Be Eaten. Check back on Friday for an excerpt, and to share one of your own!Don't forget to stop by the forum before you go. We've been having some great conversations, and would love to hear your thoughts.