Launch team! Books 3-4

Greetings, dear Featherheads! You may be interested to note that there is an opportunity upon us just now—an invitation, in fact, to help launch the next two Wingfeather books!

The whole series is being reprinted in beautiful hardcover with brand-new cover art and illustrations. The first two are out now—I hope you have seen them!—and the next two come out September 15. That means that very shortly, we get to make a LOT of noise about our favorite Wingfeathers. (You can start now, actually. You are always welcome to make noise about Wingfeathers. I will not stop you, although if you are in the library I might suggest you make noise outside. 😉)

So what does this launch team include, you might ask? Early access to the books, for one thing! Plus the pride of knowing that you took your stand against the fearsome Fangs of Dang. All you need is a social media account (for noise-making purposes).

Applications are open until August 5! Click here to be voomed to the application!