Minecraft fan art, and EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEAKS

Greetings, Featherheads! Lots has been happening behind the scenes at Wingfeather HQ, but it’s been awhile since our last update. Today I am pleased to unveil some excellent new Wingfeather-themed Minecraft artwork, and to invite you behind the scenes. First, the art:

Check these out! Lia, a 5th-grade Featherhead and Minecrafter extraordinaire, created large sculptures of our three Wingfeathers—Leeli, Kal, and Janner, from right to left. Aren’t they magnificent? I love the creativity and precise engineering involved in all three of these. Incredible representations, from Leeli’s crutch and tumbling hair to Kal’s outstretched sword to Janner’s fearless stance, ready for anything. Thank you, Lia, for sharing your work with us!

And now for the behind-the-scenes action! Starting March 1 (that’s Tuesday!), our animation team will be releasing exclusive sneak peaks of the animated series in production! Be sure you are part of the Official Wingfeather Saga Fan Group on Facebook in order to access this content. Click here to join! We’ll see you on Tuesday. :-)