The elf-land of Aerwiar

A mystery reviewer known as The Book Lover recently wrote a lovely review of the first two books of the Wingfeather Saga. Here's a snippet:

If the first book is the bridge that takes you to the elf-land, the second book, North! Or Be Eaten, is the tale that awakens and gives you the light that you take back with you to your own world. ... By now the secret of the Igiby children has come to light and we travel along with them as they try to learn what these revelations mean for them. It is in this book that I found bits of light for my own life.

Thank you for these words, Book Lover! I raise my bean-brew cup to you. Readers, you can find the rest of the review here.

I love this phrase: "Bits of light for my own life." What bits of light have you found in the Igibys' story?